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Research Databases: W
What Tree Is It?Ohio tree identification guide. |
What's That Snake?Ohio snake identification guide. |
What's the Point?Identifying flint artifacts. |
World Book KidsGreat for ages 6-10. This go-to resource is chock-full of fun activities, hands-on science projects, and age-appropriate articles, and offers image-based navigation to help young learners find information quickly and develop necessary digital literacy skills. Thousands of colorful illustrations, diagrams, and maps enrich thousands of articles, with teacher guides. |
World Book OnlineInformation resources for pre-school through college. |
World Book StudentGreat for ages 10-14. Tailored specifically for students, articles include multimedia and related resources to engage students, biographies, and supplemental tools to support cross-curricular studies. |
World Book TimelinesGreat for ages 14 and up. Explore more than 650 pre-made timelines with over 14,000 individual events, or create your own timelines using your own events and images, or add content and images from World Book. |
WorldCatThe world's most comprehensive bibliography with 40 million bibliographic records representing 400 languages. Covers information back to the 11th Century. Includes holdings information from the world's libraries presented by OCLC (Online Computer Library Center). |