Digital Media and eBook Assistance

Did you receive an eReader as a gift? Are you thinking about buying one for someone? Let us help you get the most out of your device.

Help with Hoopla

Find answers to your questions about the video streaming service Kanopy

Libby or OverDrive
Find answers to frequently asked questions about borrowing digital materials using Libby

  • DISCONTINUATION NOTICE: As of May 1, 2023, the OverDrive App has been discontinued.
  • 10 of the most common questions from OverDrive app users about the switch to Libby.
  • In-app messaging links users to this helpful overview about the transition to Libby, including FAQs and how-to videos.
  • Users can access Libby Help for step-by-step instructions and videos that explain how to use the app.
  • Download Libby App Brochure. Includes convenient clickable links!

One-on-One Technology Help
Looking for help with your phone, tablet, or laptop? Not sure how to set up an email address? Need a crash course in Libby or Hoopla? We’ve got your back! Sign up for a 45-minute Technology Help appointment.

Appointments are available on Tuesdays at 1, 2, 3, and 4 p.m.

A scheduled appointment is required at 330-652-1704 ext. 3.

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